Summer Course Ki Ageng Suryomentaram: Great Thinker from Yogyakarta.
Gadjah Mada University has an identity value as a national university supported by its location in Yogyakarta. The Province of Yogyakarta is known as an area that is very rich in values and culture applied in its people's everyday lives. Many of those values were adapted by Ki Ageng Suryomentaram, a Javanese figure from the 19th century. His life journey and ideas deservedly led Ki Ageng to earn the nickname “The Plato from Java”. He is one of the sons of the king of the Keraton Kasultanan Ngayogyokarto who was born from the Sultan Hamengkubuwono VII family, with the name BRM (Bendoro Raden Mas) Kudi Armadji. When he was 18 years old, he was appointed a prince with the title of Bendoro Pangeran Haryo Suryomentaram. Since his childhood, he has received an education in general science and religion. KAS asked his father to remove his title and decided to leave the palace. KAS experienced many unpleasant life experiences while living in the palace in his life journey. In the end, he wandered around and lives outside the palace to find the answer "who is a human?". One day KAS lived in Salatiga, in the Mbringin area and was eventually considered an elder by the name of Ki Gedhe Suryomentaram. He also has a Tuesday Kliwon gathering place where he studies many things, one of which is Ki Hajar Dewantara. From there, ideas also emerged, including the Taman Siswa Education. Ki Hajar Dewantara focuses on the education of young students, while KAS takes care of the education of older students. At this point, the nickname Ki Gedhe Suryomentaram was changed to Ki Ageng Suryomentaram.
KAS studied history, philosophy, psychology, and religion. His ideas gave birth to many thoughts that developed the birth of Javanese psychological theory, known as the concept of Kawruh Jiwa, about the science of happiness. The theoretical teachings are not limited to Javanese people but can be implemented by anyone without being limited to citizenship. But unfortunately, Ki Ageng Suryomentaran's teachings have not been introduced globally, even though the Javanese psychological theory will answer the limitations of psychological theories born in the West. Research related to Kawruh Jiwa KAS is still limited because most of the psychological theories taught are western psychological theories developed by psychological figures from the Jewish nation. The concept of Kawruh Jiwa is in accordance with the conditions of today's society. The idea of KAS teaching can be an alternative to solving individual problems.
It is essential to introduce KAS's thoughts on Kawruh Jiwa to a broader scope based on the above background. This summer course is a medium to realize and implement local psychological values in global life.
The objectives of Ki Ageng Suryomentaram: Great Thinker from Yogyakarta Summer Course are:
- Pioneering and developing summer courses that are integrated with Javanese cultural concepts in cross-disciplinary, cross-cultural, and cross-country communities
- Develop international networks that will collaborate in conducting related research.
- Laying the foundation for the center of psychology and culture for interdisciplinary learning and scientific development.
Learning Outcomes and Curriculum Description
The Learning Outcomes of Ki Ageng Suryomentaram: Great Thinker from Yogyakarta Summer Course are:
- Attitudes & Values
- Contribute to improving the quality of life in society, as a nation, as a state, and in the progress of civilization based on Pancasila
- Appreciate the diversity of cultures, views, religions, and beliefs, as well as new opinions or original findings of others
- Internalize academic values, norms, and ethics
- Demonstrate behavior based on noble moral values, be able to respect differences, and be empathetic
- Tolerance and upholding human values in carrying out duties based on religion, morals, and ethics.
- Knowledge Comprehension
- Comprehending the concepts and perspectives of psychology (concepts and theories).
- Information technology and data technology literacy
- General Skills
- Be able to generate ideas and solutions based on the perspective of Psychology (problem-solving)
- Be able to use Psychology logically, critically, and systematically.
The curriculum for the Ki Ageng Suryomentaram: Great Thinker from Yogyakarta Summer Course was developed by considering:
- Limited knowledge of Ki Ageng's values and thoughts
- The lack of Ki Ageng Suryomentaram’s thought applied in everyday life.
- Utilizing communication and information technology for cross-disciplinary, cross-cultural, and cross-country research and learning to explore Ki Ageng's values and thoughts
After attending the Ki Ageng Suryomentaram: Great Thinker from Yogyakarta Summer Course, participants are expected to:
- Have knowledge of Ki Ageng's values and thoughts
- Be able to apply the values and thoughts of Ki Ageng Suryomentaram in daily life.
- Develop the mindset and attitude of cross-disciplinary, cross-cultural, and cross-country cooperation
The Relevance of the Summer Course Program with the Future Excellence in the Field of Science Road Map
Ki Ageng Suryomentaram: Great Thinker from Yogyakarta Summer Course has relevance to the focus of the field of Psychology to introduce local theory as a reference for global theory. The limitations of western theory will be refined by an approach in accordance with local contexts.
- The implementation, which is carried out in stages, is a stepping stone to achieving excellence in science, especially indigenous psychology at the international level in the next few years. Several things can be done, such as pioneering indigenous psychology learning in world educational institutions.
- Pioneering international collaborative research between UGM and other universities worldwide.
- Involving students and lecturers in various cross-disciplinary, cross-cultural, and cross-country activities so that UGM can become a center of excellence in psychology and cultural studies.